Reflecting on Technologies II: Our quantified self


This article is the first part of a series called Reflecting on Technologies which hopes to shed some light on how technologies have shaped human interaction. It hopes to encourage meaningful discussions and reflection on the way technologies are implemented and used in the current age. The opinions stated [...]

Reflecting on Technologies II: Our quantified self2023-10-17T15:10:03+02:00

Entrepreneurship Laboratory Summer 2023


The summer semester is done, and the new one is knocking on our academic door. So, let's take a quirky stroll down memory lane and revisit the Entrepreneurship Laboratory, aka eLab, at CDTM this summer. While our Managing Product Development (MPD) course has a laser focus on MVP development, [...]

Entrepreneurship Laboratory Summer 20232023-10-07T20:26:01+02:00
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